The future is already here

Be modern. Be smart. Be compliant. Be the best.

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About Us

We're Global

We reach from the heart of the United States to the Nordic circle and (most) places between.

We're Professional

A decade of compliance and developer enablement at your fingertips.

We're Cloud First

We look to the cloud for the smarter, faster solutions.

Helping you succeed

You have the ability and the plan, let us unlock it.

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How we can help

Enabling DevOps

Let us help you make your development go faster and smarter.


Worried about US HIPAA, SOX, and other regulations? We can help navigate that with you.

Cloud Migration

Unsure how to make the cloud a good value for you? Let us show you the ropes.


Modern technology is rapidly changing and sometimes your developers need help. Let us teach them the modern ways.

Our Team

Marty Henderson

Marty Henderson

Founder, Principal

Several years in the most regulated industries in the United States paired with helping companies use cutting edge technologies has given me an ability to blend modernization while still complying to some fo the most complex regulations out there.

Contact Us

Contact Details

Reach out to us!

Five Scholars US: 117 Watson St #4040 Ripon, WI 54971
Phone: 515.446.8825